Avoid Personal Responsibility For Docility

You have probably tried to make yourself be diplomatic when you are dealing with an aggravating customer or forced to fake happiness when your in-laws come to stay with you for an extended period of time. Eventually, it seemed almost cruel to continue torturing myself for what seemed like an …

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Desires Are Road Maps To Destiny

Between 1971 and 1984, 700,000 people underwent three days of EST (Erhard Seminar Training), where they learned to put themselves first, recognize that they were fully responsible for their own fates, understand that there were no victims in the world, and realize that they created their own reality. The …

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What's Your Perspective?

This would be a mistake if we want to understand the many faces of flourishing. For now, just delve into what is trying to get your attention and pause in the void where you can feel and listen and trust in what you are being shown. Have there been formative …

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What Floats Your Boat?

Mastery allows you the fullest range of creative expression--both the skill to be able to head in whatever direction you want, and the creative problem-solving to be able to recognize that new direction in the first place. However, this body language may suggest that they are feeling some form of …

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Never Satisfied Seeking Excellence

Your grief, however palpable, can begin to be healed--because you can see yourself changing. We need creative outlets for our thoughts and emotions. There is also the considerable economic toll of solitary confinement that we as taxpayers absorb, funds that could have real social impact in our communities if put …

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Would You Clean Up The Backyard?

If there have been ten things hanging over your head for weeks, knock them all out in one day. He can only remain weak, abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts. In Bryce Courtenay's Recipe for Dreaming he describes how we can face and overcome personal challenges …

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Sample A Complaint Sandwich

Recognizing that the world might pass you by if you don't change is half the battle. Hear, hear, good choice, the woman said as she picked up her fresh drink and clinked glasses with Jamie. Gaslighting is commonly used by narcissists, abusive partners, and people such as cult leaders. Even …

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You'll Be Courageous Enough To Stand Up For Yourself

And I couldn't wait to live my life with joy and abandon! In his tremendously influential 'stage theory' of development, Piaget implicitly accepted the cultural assumption that d-mode was the highest form of intelligence, and through the impact that his approach has had on several generations of educators, he inadvertently …

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Explaining Behavior Through Introspection

At this point in the article, you're well aware of the powerful impact thoughts have on how we feel, act, and interact with our child and the larger world. That being so, this is one of the rare situations that I recommend following a general formula rather than identifying the …

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What Will Acting On Obedience Provide?

Many people with CFS/FMS are financially devastated and can't afford very much at all. It will then tailor a protocol to optimize your energy using a mix of natural and prescription therapies. Usually it contains very little processed food, particularly processed grains and sweeteners, and proportionally less red meat …

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If portal blood flow is going slowly, sludgily, then it probably won't show up on any tests, but it will still be a problem. What am I going to do about my employees stealing from me? When judging arises, if you acknowledge it with spacious, non-judgmental attention, you loosen its …

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Repair Your Affection

In a small bowl, stir together the hummus, chia seeds, olives, and vinegar. Fasting was breaking the chains of her food addictions without even intending to do so. When my wife, Betsy, and I arrived in Los Angeles thirty-four years ago, after Lionel, who was then president of the temple …

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