Full Steam Ahead

Our reactions influence our subconscious mind, which, in turn, amplifies and programs our future interpretations and feelings. Let go of the tension and notice the sensations of relaxation. If you can achieve that state of relaxation, then you'll be able to resist the voice that screams at you to take …

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Seek Ideal Fluid Intake

Another problem was how to quickly retrieve and use internal representations when needed during everyday speech and action. The David Suzuki Foundation, an organization founded to provide additional research, evidence and education on the subject of preserving our environment, gives ten ways to begin to get active in helping slow …

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I'll Be Ready When I Lose Ten Pounds

Sir Francis Bacon (speaking of the magnetic compass, gunpowder, and the printing press) It governs ligaments and tendons, whose health is crucial to the physical body. In orthodox pharmacology there is a distinction between direct cholagogues, which actually increase the amount of bile the liver secretes, and indirect cholagogues, which …

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We Can Start All Over Again

However, the vast majority of those examples of weight loss culture are merely treating the symptom of weight loss. This action brings attention to the midbrain, which lies right above the hard palate. Some say that with social media, bullies have a bigger platform and can spread rumors faster than …

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Bringing Mindfulness To Work

Then you won't be stricken by the feeling of too much togetherness. You can sit on a chair, you can lie down, all you must do is stay in a stable position and place your palms in a place where they are facing towards the sky. I didn't look after …

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Don't Call Me Red

Loving friendliness is one of the four sublime states defined by the Buddha, along with compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. These are a few of the details divorced families need to work out in advance. I tend to eat more than three meals a week outside the home. When I …

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An Increase In Expectations

I am writing this story to encourage all those who believe that only great healers and highly praised masters can have an effect. It's the deep, restful sleep I referred to earlier which you must have in order to awaken in the morning feeling refreshed. It is silent, less energy …

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Go For Green

'Everybody' means that our belief is part of a group consciousness. We've talked about how to break out of unhealthy thinking patterns. Anything less and you will slide into your old habits. Everywhere you look, people are waiting: a man slumped at his desk, gazing desperately at the clock; I'm …

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Fly It, Sigh It, Try It

It's thanks to the enormous computational power of the cortex that you are able to think, imagine, compare, decide and change your mind. The HEI was tested on a large internet sample whose hoarding behaviors ranged from minimal to severe. Glutamine supplements support immunity and digestion by fueling the cells …

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The Portraits On Our Walls

Who would have ever thought that, years later, I would be fortunate enough to sit down with Sly Stallone and listen to his insights and wisdom on what it takes to be a winner? Jenna's awareness is multi-dimensional, that is, she consciously chooses when to be seen and not seen …

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Common Responses To Greed

If yes, take advantage of the best-kept secret in retailing: free fashion advice. The six apertures on the front of the body are the passive channel; they are yin, and are for withdrawing the yin convergence. Your liver is a brilliant commander of countless bodily systems and functions. Remember in …

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Increasing Your Energy

Much like how I differentiate between birth and reproductive trauma and grief, sometimes I think what people are referring to when reflecting on painful parts of their childhood is grief rather than trauma, meaning that they are sad or disappointed about what happened. In the scientific community, neurobiological researchers, such …

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Above The Horizon

Secretin is one example of an important intestinal signaling molecule. This could be as simple as stopping work and going to sleep; At well over six feet tall, Spotted Tail demonstrated more than just physical strength. What's most important when it comes to pain relief is knowing that you do …

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It's A Bird, It's A Crane, It's You!

Epilepsy is one of the most dramatic and obvious examples of Wind, Wind that has entered the Blood level of the body. Once people learned about his Medal of Honor, their understanding of who they were dealing with was altered forever, and so were their feelings toward him. But there …

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Cultivate Harmony

The more time that you spend alone, the higher the chance that you will place yourself in danger of becoming even more stressed, more depressed and finally, dependent on isolation instead of being with other people. Perhaps the power of the subconscious surprised you through a particularly meaningful dream. If …

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Stand Out From The Crowd

One big client was the Swift plant, where I combined cattle handling and sign painting. I never fit the corporate mold or the 9-to-5 office way. Try this guided meditation to work on cutting the comparisons with two salient points. B cell receptors have a high affinity for antigen, so …

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Step Back, Put It All Away

The thing that concerned me most about first grade was Elliot's aide--he didn't have one yet. Sitting down to write, I couldn't get the nagging responsibility of the date I had to plan later in the evening. Reviewed next are the most common CVDs men experience. We might consider the …

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Just Say No

Remember, every time you stick your fingers into a jar, you are introducing bacteria into it. You may not understand it or know what it is about, but you have an instant moment of recognition: This feels like a message! Can you feel this beautiful earth rising up to support …

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